My Blog

Read at your own risk. May contain nonsense.

Thoughts from a distant shed

Why is it so easy to write on trains?

This is an odd title for what the blog entry is - an explanation of what I’ve been up to, but I promise I’ll get to the point eventually. First of all, I must apologise for the ridiculous pause in posting on this blog, which was purposefully set up to make non-specific updates so I kept writing. Well, it turns out, I’m even more rubbish at updating my blog regularly than I am at writing (actually editing, rather than writing) lately.  

The problem? I suppose it’s been a multitude of things -  life has been a lot busier at work in the last few months, leaving mentally drained when I get home. I’ve returned to running, with the intention of losing weight and living longer. It’s supposed to give you energy, which it does - during the day, but by evenings I’m all conked out by 9.30.  I hadn’t even had the energy to read - which is very unusual for me in recent weeks. Finally, the main problem is that I’m editing a book, something that I know is essential, but which requires more concentration (at least for me) than the creative part of writing. Especially when there’s another exciting book idea constantly knocking at the door of my subconscious.

These things happen to everyone and a lot of people write or edit through it, but I was making such slow progress, it was barely noticeable.  Anyway, work calmed down and I got used to the running - 3 miles, 5 times a week - go me - but when I found myself with time to write or edit, I just couldn’t face it. Well, I did work, but it was tiny amounts, just so I could look myself in the mirror. If I’m honest though, I wasted far more time on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter or just surfing the net.  I knew I needed to do more. I felt bad I wasn’t doing more - I had new ideas I wanted to start on, but I needed to finish the current project before I could move on because quitting this far into a book just isn’t me.

Then I went on the train to Manchester.  

There’s something oddly calming to me about a long train journey, something that for some reason helps me write, so I always bring a laptop. I don’t know if it’s the terrible mobile signal, the absence of TV or a reliable internet. Maybe it’s the fact I can just sit at a table for 3 hours and not talk to anyone if I don’t want to. Maybe it’s the romance of being on the train, which I’ve always been a sucker for. Whatever it is, it works for me. I had no real expectations after my recent slow period on this day, but I brought my laptop along anyway.  I drank a coffee, read the free paper and thought. “Let’s give it a go.”  Wow. Immediately I was in the zone - an editing machine.  Hours of editing on the way there, hours on the way back.  It’s like it unblocked something in my brain and now the thoughts can flow freely again.

Now I’m back, I’ve done more editing and am making good progress.  The book I’m editing (a middle grade sci-fi book - sort of Heroes meets Firestarter for kids) needs a couple of good edits before I can send it back to my agent, Ben.  I’m now almost finished edit one, based on his initial feedback.  I need to get this book polished and out.  I think it’s a good book, but my mind keeps wanting to move on to that next project that is insisting it needs to be brought into reality.  I just need to maintain my momentum and get it done. Maybe I just need to be sent away on the train more often. Maybe it’s only something I need in situations like this. 

Either way, I’m hoping to update more often from here on in, both on the current book (watch this space for more detail ) and the next one, the insistent, unstarted project, which will be set in Northumberland and involves a magic well.  Feel free to send me mocking messages if I don’t!  TTFN

Posted 390 weeks ago